Wednesday, September 6, 2017

You Should Always Urinate Under the Shower, the Reasons Will Surprise you!!!

Urination is a discharge urine of the body. This is also the way to remove toxins and waste fluids in our body.  In humans or animals, this urination is under voluntary control. In infants, elderly individuals and those with neurological disease, urination may happen. For an adult, it’s normal to urinate up to seven times throughout the day.

This may sound disgusting and a little bit disturbing about this, but after you read this, eventually you will always urinate under the shower.

Urinate under the shower is exactly saving the Earth - According to some research done by the Agency for Environmental Protection in the United States said that urinating under the shower saves 27% of water flow, for the reasons that you don’t need to flush the toilet.

It’s germ-free - For using toilet paper especially for women after urinating, can cause harm in their sensitive parts.  Wiping back and front can lead bacteria into urethra that will cause pain or vaginal infection. Urinating in the shower is actually prevents UTI’s  because it helps to flow down the harmful bacteria from the genitalia.

For Skincare - You may feel disgusting but yes, Urine is an advisable treatment for rashes or eczema. Some cosmetics products like creams and oils for skin care have a Urea ingredients. It is advisable for dry and sensitive skin and also for skin pH balance.

Fungi problem - Urine can help you to get rid of irritating fungal infections on your feet. Just apply urine to the affected area. You will be seen the effect within a few days and you will surprise with the result.