Wednesday, September 6, 2017

You will Be Amazed When you Mix Beets, Carrots, and Apple. The Healthy Drinks that Will Surely Destroy All Diseases!!!

Fresh juices that made at home are the most advisable and very healthful option. As far as you know they will not add some additive or any preservatives ingredients it's all pure natural mixtures. It’s better to know some idea which fruit is the best combination. Like the combination of apple, carrot, and beetroot that has contained many healthy benefits in our body.

Carrot - a nutritious fruit that contains many vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. It has also potassium, selenium, minerals calcium and magnesium included. It's best for eye health, skin care, and cleanse the body and also to prevent any heart problems and cancers.

Apple -has phytonutrients and antioxidants, low in calories, and dietary fiber to prevent absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL), fiber also helps to remove some toxic substance. The components of apple are very essential for optimal growth development and overall wellness.

BEETROOT - is the excellent source of folic acid, manganese, potassium, and fiber. Also rich in calcium, iron, Vitamin A, and C. It helps to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and promotes a healthy complexion and hair. This is one of the most popular dietary supplements.

Here are some benefits of consuming this healthy drinks;

Protects from cancer problems
This mixture will give hope to lower risk of cancers. It also reduces the risk of lung cancer. But it also prevents any types of malignant tumor cells improvement. Because this mixture contains carrots and beetroot that has amino acid and anti cancer problems, also the best remedies for leukemia.

For pores and skin
This mixture been proved by some researchers for your skin and pores. It helps you to keep pores and skin smoothly without any acne or zits and wrinkles,  it also helps to restore your broken pores and dry skin.  Because of anti -inflammatory content that protects from any skin disease related to viruses and bacteria or any hypersensitivity reactions.

For eye health
These healthy drinks contains Vitamin A,  helps you to preserve the natural eyesight caused by stress from using many things that affect the eyes and also protect from cataracts

Protection from heart disease.
These drinks contains carrot that has a phytonutrient that helps to maintain your heart health, it has alpha, beta carotene, and lutein. Beetroot that allows to keep arteries elastic and to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. Apple that regulates blood pressure, protect from any heart disease and from other various illness.

For ladies monthly problems
This mixture is a very helpful drinks that a girl's needed to ease the pain from menstruation. It will help to eliminate fatigue due to lack of iron that related to menstrual cycle.

How to prepare this healthy drinks:
First, you don't need to bother the precise quantities, depends on your flavor, but you can add more carrots or apple. Use fruits that grow organically, without any pesticides or harmful chemicals, because that is the most healthier and nutritious. If you want to take advantage from this juice you should put these 3 ingredients in the equal portions.

Examples: fresh 3 apples, 3 beetroots, and 3 carrots. Slice them and put them inside the juice extractor to make the juice. Strain and pour into a jar and refrigerate. You can taste the entire fresh lemon that rich in Vitamin C, no longer to be added more sugar to prevent oxidation of the juice.

The process to use this drinks
Consumed this drink in morning with empty stomach. After an hour you can take your breakfast. This drink can be consumed two times in afternoon also. It's advice that slowly zips and drinks this to maintain to your mouth.