Friday, September 1, 2017

REAL LIFE TIME TRAVELER! Man Spent 2 Years In Future Tells What He Have Seen! READ MORE HERE!

A man named Al Bielek is a self-proclaimed time traveler who says he spent 6 weeks in the year 2137 and around 2 years at 2749. The thing is, many events that he described in the future is happening to us right now.

Some of those are The New World Order and the climate change that's been big talk nowadays.

The so-called Montauk Project was serious of U.S secret government projects that conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. Some of this project were included psychological warfare techniques, others even more rare such as time travel.

Jacques Vallée describes what totally happened on that top secret base. He remembers that on August 13tg, 1943.
 he jumped off the U.S.S Eldridge. That's the same date as the Philadelphia Experiment.

He woke up in a hospital from the future and stayed there for 6 weeks long recovering from the radiation injuries. The medical staff used vibrational and light treatments.

He noticed the big changes that happen to U.S and Europe as the way he knew them.

The water level rises that makes Florida reduced a big amount of its continent. While Atlanta, GA was only 3 miles from the ocean and the great lakes had become large lakes.

The U.S. Infrastructure had collapsed making the U.S and Canada making out of the category of the nation. A loose form of local martial law existed at 2137.

The magnetic poles started to break down making people create an artificial pole structure to prevent collapse and reversal of the magnetic poles.

He claims that our government secretly collaborated with aliens between the 1950s and 2000 and was introducing new technologies with their help.

The new world order was taking over the planet, but suddenly a war broke out between the Russians/Chinese against U.S/Europe. A lot of U.S cities were destroyed.

The new world order destroyed.

The government had the power to reduce the radiation damage and nuclear waste but even now, it is refused to use it for political reasons. In the future, it will be used to clean radiation left from WW3.

He then found himself in the year 2749 for about two years. He talks about what he knows when he was there. Then jumped back to 2137 to pick up Duncan, after that they both back in the year 1983.

This is the time where they tell the story of their adventure and what did they know about the future.