Tuesday, October 3, 2017

This Woman Hears Loud Noises Everyday Coming From Their Garage, When She Found Out What It Is, She's In Tears! MUST SEE!

Brad Soden was a former United States soldier and a fireman after he completed his service. Brad indeed saved many lives in his service.

Brad has a happy family, his wife, Liz, and their three children, living in Phoenix, Arizona.

Brad and his family were living peacefully but everything changed when an accident occurred on August 15, 1999.

Brad and his family were in their truck. Liz was handling the wheels when the left front tire blew out. She lost control of the car and drove off the road.

Luckily, their three children are safe and only got a small bruise from the accident. Brad's injuries were bit worse - he broke his leg from the incident. But the most tragic was for Liz, she broke her back and became paralyzed from the waist down.

They are rushed from the hospital and Liz got her surgery, when she woke up, the doctors gave her her diagnosis.

Liz gave up on her life, she thought Brad will give up on her and leave her for a "normal" woman.

But what she thought was totally different and Brad got down on his knee and proposed right there at the hospital indeed.

Liz immediately says "yes" and soon they got married.

Liz's recovery was long and her family didn't let her down, they supported her in her process.

Liz doesn't give up. Liz is a strong woman indeed, but her transition to her new life with a wheelchair was extremely difficult. Especially, one of their family's hobbies is hiking.

Liz tried to get along but soon realized that her wheelchair isn't capable to do uneven terrain that mountain had.

There's one occasion where the family decided to follow a moose trail, Liz was forced to stay behind on the flat road.

Sadly, Liz asked her family to keep going. That image stays on Brad's mind and thought that that should never happen again.

During his time in the army, Brad worked as maintenance technician who was responsible for maintaining and cleaning tanks.

His job inspired him to make Liz be able to get along with them again.

But it's harder than he thought.

Brad spent days on end in the garage. Some days, he barely went outside at all, sometimes he is losing patience.

The loud noise coming from their garage was something that the neighbors and Liz got used to.

Brad's goal? To build a silent electric engine that could work in the wilderness and at campsites.

After countless hours, Brad finally finished his artwork. He called Liz to the garage and surprised her with an unusual wheelchair with tank treads!

Brad's invention became popular in their neighborhood quickly. The all-terrain wheelchair impressed other people and the heads of the high-tech company NPC Robotics.

The company supported Brad and built a prototype based on this model. With the help of the company, Liz's new wheelchair is quiet, fat and made for off-road driving.

Well, nowadays brad and his boys are having a hard time keeping up with Liz when they go hike.

We can say this is a great invention! Brad hasn't just shown how he loves Liz and proved that he has ingenuity and will to overcome anything!