Sunday, September 3, 2017

Is Eating Snake Safe or Dangerous? FIND OUT HERE!

The first thing we imagine when we heard the word snakes is dangerous but did you know. Snakes can help you in your survival if you're stuck in the wild without any source of food, and there are some restaurants who offers snake as one of their dishes, just marinate with some ingredients and you can have a delicious snake meat.

Killing a snake or hunting them is not that easy, if you're not trained, you will just risk your life by doing it. If you're stuck in wild without any source of food, you can survive for about 30-40 days. But if you have no choice, then you can try your luck.

You can try to hunt non-venomous snakes that most of us want to encounter rather than a poisonous one. There's a method which is the best way to do it. This method is called Grady Gaston Method. Grady was a member of a B-12 bomber in WWII he crushed in Australia after returning from a bombing run against Japanese in New Guiea. He survived over 30 days by hunting snake by hurling large rocks on them, He doesn't have the skill to make fire so he consumed these raw! After all his survival instinct, will to live, and serpentine diet. He enables to survive and tell one of the most epic adventures of all time.

But beware of one kind of snake, the rattlesnake. Because even after dying, they can still bite you because of their reflexive action of the nervous system. Lopping the head off, burying it? and then skinning and cleaning the snake are the recommended methods by the military and survivors, After being skinned and cleaned, boil the meat in a stew with other tasty ingredients by your choice.